Services A-Z | Leonardo Munich City East


Internet access:

In the hotel you can use the High Speed Wi-Fi free of charge. There is no need for a password or registration. Please select the Wi-Fi net „Leonardo“ and open your browser. Accept the Terms and Conditions of „Tascan“. Hotline: 0 02234 2045 247

Business Center:

The Business center is situated at the reception. At the computer you have free access to the Wi-Fi.

IT support:

If you are experiencing difficulty to connect please contact the front desk. 360 The amount of units used depends on the length of the conversation and the destination. One unit is priced at € 0,10. Please note that units are also charged for calls to 0800-numbers. Please contact the front desk for more information on telephone charges.

Telephone charges:

Your telephone no.:

T +49 (0)89 201 801 + room number

Calls to another room:

Dial the requested room number.

Calls to

Please dial „0“ for an outside line followed by country and area

external numbers:

code and requested telephone number.

International country

The front desk will be happy to assist you with international

& area codes:

country and area codes. 360


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